Daily Schedule
Our daily scheduling options are designed to meet the needs of as many families as possible while also providing consistency for the children in our community. The Full School Day is 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM. All School Day enrollment is full-week (Monday through Friday exempting holidays, Family Guide Conference Days, and Program Development Days).
A Partial School Day is available for children who would otherwise nap or rest at CMC in the afternoon. The Partial School Day is from 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM and includes time outdoors or in our indoor gross motor space and lunch.
Three more flexible hours of Extended Care support families who require consistent or drop-in care from 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM and/or 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM. Extended Care can be scheduled three, four, or five days a week, in most cases.
Our daily routine is followed year round during our School Year, Summer and Break Sessions. Please see the table below and Our Programs pages for more details. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.
We offer fully-implemented Montessori education and child care at Community Montessori Columbus during our School Year Session following a schedule compatible with the traditional Columbus City Schools (CCS) calendar. The 2024 - 2025 School Year Session will cover 37 full and partial school weeks from August 19th through May 23rd.
In addition to our School Year Session, CMC offers a Montessori-based Summer Session as well as Break Session Care on most normal business days CMC and CCS are not in session. The 2025 Summer Session will cover 10 weeks from June 2nd through August 8th. Break Session Care is offered to currently enrolled families on a first to sign-up basis throughout each School Year Session, see calendar below for specific days. Fees paid for each session of care are unique, all enrolled families are invoiced on the first of each month, please see our Sliding Scale Fees page for details.

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